Saturday, January 28, 2012

Chapter 3

Questions: Why do you think Mrs. Myers is unhappy with her new class?
                   How is the way Leslie is dressed on the first day of school different from the other students?

Vocabulary: radiator, cutoffs, corduroys, retreated, inheriting, roused, smirked, hoarsely, repulsive, quivered, drought, conspicuous, eliminations, sarcasm, deliberately, conceited, grudgingly

Enrichment: The students were quite concerned with fashion on the first day of school. Many advocates of school uniforms argue that this problem is eliminated when students wear school uniforms. Do you agree? Defend your position by writing a speech in your readind notebook. You will have a debate with another student who has an opposing view.


  1. i think Mrs.myers is unhappy with her class because leslie burke just moved so she had to go to school late, and then her class would have 31 people and she said "no one else has more than 29 people" and so she thinks Leslie burke should be in another class because then the other class would have 30 and she would still have 30 - Jack

  2. I think that leslie`s clothes are diffenrt from the others because her clothes were old and shabby, and the other people`s clothes were new and not shabby. so she did not make a good inpresion on Mrs.Myers. -Jack:)

  3. I think mrs.myrers is unhappy with her classroom because Leslie Burke is new and threes going to be more students on her classroom and it's going to be harder to teach-leo

  4. I think Lelslie clothe is different from the others because shes wearing a shabby clothe-leo

  5. I think Mrs. Myers was so unhappy with her class because there are so many of them. Leslie is dressed different how the other students are in dressy clothes and she is in a tanktop and cutoff jeans.

  6. They didn't let me write my name- nadia

  7. I wonder why leslie dressed that way because mrs.myers was mad and sad because her class has 31 now and the other classes have 29 or less and now her class has 31.-jack:)

  8. I think that Ms.Myers is unhappy with her class because there is too many children there.There are thirty-one children in her class and they might be annoying.Leslie`s clothes were different because she was wearing church clothes.Everyone else wore t-shirts or just jeans.Her parents wanted her to look pretty on the first day of school.:0 love the book ~ ALIYA GILL

  9. I think Mrs.Myers dosen't like her new class because she probaly had 29 students last year.But having Jess and having Leslie moved in, she now has 31 students.Mrs.Myers is the tearcher that probaly doesn't like so many kids.

    Leslie is dressed differently because she has a tanktop and cutoff jeans.Other kids probaly are just waring T-shirts and pants.-ZAYNE :)

  10. 1.I think mrs.myers is mad because two kids were talking so she thought the others students were going to be like that. 1. the way Leslie is dressed is different by her ragged not best clothes and the others were dressed their best.-sebastian

  11. I think Mrs.Myers is unhappy because she got another student in her class even though she has 30 kids all ready.Leslie is dressed different from everybody because she is wearing a tangtop and cutoffs and everyone else is wearing nicely-ryne(:

  12. I think Mrs.Myers is unhappy with her new class because her class was the only class that had more than 29 children
    her class has 31 children.I believe this is right because she kept mumbling the number 31.I think she is dressed different because she has old close on and everybody else has nice close on.

  13. I think Mrs.Myers is unhappy with her class becase it was overstocked with children. I also think that all the kids were looking at Leslie becuse she was not dressed good like the other children that were wearing uniforms.[:

  14. I think that Mrs.Myers is unhappy because she has a new student.That means that she has to plan for the new child.Planning may be tiring.I think that Leslie Burke is dressed in unprofessional clothes.The other students looked like professional students.By:Smith Hendricks

  15. i think that Jess does not like Gary. Jess keeps on getting beat by him and he`s tired of that.i also think that mrs.Myers does not like how Leslie Burke is dressed.and how Jess and Gary are not getting along.

  16. I think that Mrs.mures is mad because she has a very big class and there isn't big enough.I also think because the two boys were fighting.her clothes are different because everybody is wearing fancy clothes and she is wearing play clothes.also because she wasn't wearing socks.-Olivia perryman

  17. I think Mrs.Myers is unhappy with her new class because unhappy with her new class because she has a lot of students.On the other hand the other teachers don't have as many kids.I think Leslie is dressed diffrently because she wore real rugged clothing and everybody else is wearing some formal clothes.-Ben
